Sunday, October 12, 2003

What this blog is gonna be

Always wondered what he hell is the big deal with blogging...I mean, it can't be a personal diary...everyrone gets to read it...what can u possibly write in a blog that will tell others about your personal life..and in the process , not hurt someone else' sentiments...
for eg, can u loudly proclaim on the blog that u scored with your babe last night...not in India, u can't...can u talk abt the rave party u attended last way, never know if some member of the family is reading the blog...can u describe how you cheated in yesterday's test...maybe the darn prof may read it sometime...can u proudly print the transcripts of the interview where u BSed your way through and landed a job...what if your boss reads it?.....its too much of a freaking pain to mention anything interesting you want to mention without a conflict of whats my blog gonna contain....GYAN...GLOBAL GYAN....of B-schools and marketing and cities and treks....mundane crap nobody wud ever wanna read, but hey, at least it'll stop my friends from complaining I don't mail them enuff...they just have to check the blog to know whats going on..of course it won't contain the details of last night's date or rave parties, but what the on anyways